ZooKeeper - Key Features
Configuration Management: Provides a centralized configuration repository accessible to all nodes.
- Use Case: Need to manage and distribute configuration settings across a distributed system.
- How ZooKeeper Helps: Stores configuration data centrally and ensures consistency across all nodes.
Synchronization: Ensures synchronization and consistency among distributed processes.
- Use Case: Coordination of access to shared resources among distributed processes.
- How ZooKeeper Helps: Provides primitives like locks and barriers to implement distributed synchronization.
Naming Service: Hierarchical namespace similar to a file system for storing metadata.
- Use Case: Microservices need to locate and communicate with each other dynamically.
- How ZooKeeper Helps: Acts as a registry where services can register their locations and consumers can discover available services. -
High Availability: Provides fault tolerance and high availability through replication.
Sequential Consistency: Guarantees ordered updates across distributed nodes.
Watch Mechanism: Allows clients to register for notifications on changes to data.
Leader Election
- Use Case: Selecting a leader among a group of distributed nodes for coordination tasks.
- How ZooKeeper Helps: Uses its consensus protocols to elect a leader node reliably.