3 minute read

RPC - Remote Procedure Call

A protocol that one program can use to request a service from a program located on another computer in a network without needing to understand network details.

It allows a local function call to execute on a remote server as if it were a local call, simplifying the process of building distributed systems

Key Concepts

Client: The component that initiates the call to a remote service.

Server: The component that provides the service and handles the remote calls.

Stub: An intermediary that represents the remote service on the client side. It handles the communication with the actual remote service.

Skeleton: An intermediary on the server side that handles the incoming request, processes it, and sends back the response.

Steps in RPC Communication

Client Call: The client makes a local call to the stub.

Marshalling: The stub packages (marshals) the request data and sends it over the network to the server.

Server Handling: The skeleton on the server side unpacks (unmarshals) the request and calls the actual service.

Execution: The service performs the requested operation.

Response: The result is sent back to the skeleton.

Unmarshalling: The skeleton packages (marshals) the response and sends it back to the client stub.

Client Receives: The stub on the client side unpacks (unmarshals) the response and presents it as the result of the local call.


Client Machine          Network         Server Machine
   (Client)                                (Service)
      |                                      |
      |   Local Function Call                |
      |-------------> (Stub)                 |
      |                    |                 |
      |                    | Packaged Request|
      |                    |---------------->|
      |                    |                 | (Skeleton)
      |                    |                 |   |
      |                    |                 | Unpack Request
      |                    |                 |   |
      |                    |                 |   |
      |                    |                 | Execute Service
      |                    |                 |   |
      |                    |                 | Packaged Response
      |<-------------------|                 |<--|
      |   Function Result  |                 |   |
      |<-(Stub)            |                 |   |
      |                    |                 |

gRPC - gRPC Remote Procedure Call


gRPC, which stands for gRPC Remote Procedure Call, high-performance framework developed by Google.

  • designed for efficient communication between microservices, allowing functions to be called remotely just as they would locally.
  • gRPC uses HTTP/2 for transport, Protocol Buffers (protobufs) as the interface description language.
  • The client perceives the interaction as a simple local function call, even though it involves complex network operations.

Key Concepts of gRPC

Service Definition: Defined using Protocol Buffers, a language-neutral, platform-neutral extensible mechanism for serializing structured data.

Client: The component that makes the call to the remote service.

Server: The component that implements the service and handles the remote calls.

Stub: The client-side proxy generated from the service definition that handles the communication with the server.

Skeleton: The server-side proxy generated from the service definition that receives the request and forwards it to the actual implementation.

Steps in gRPC Communication

Service Definition: Define the service and message types using Protocol Buffers (.proto file).

syntax = "proto3";

service Greeter {
  rpc SayHello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloReply) {}

message HelloRequest {
  string name = 1;

message HelloReply {
  string message = 1;

Code Generation: Generate client and server code using the Protocol Buffers compiler (protoc).

protoc --go_out=plugins=grpc:. helloworld.proto

Local gRPC Call/Client Call: The client calls a method on the stub. e.g., stub.SayHello(request)

Marshalling: The stub marshals the request data using Protocol Buffers and sends it over HTTP/2.

Server Handling: The server skeleton unmarshals the request and invokes the actual service method.

Execution: The service method executes and returns a response.

Response: The response is marshaled by the server skeleton, sent back over HTTP/2, unmarshaled by the client stub, and returned to the client.


Client Machine          Network         Server Machine
   (Client)                                (Service)
      |                                      |
      |  Local gRPC Call (Stub)              |
      |------------->                        |
      |                  |                   |
      |                  |  HTTP/2 Request   |
      |                  |------------------>|
      |                  |                   | (Skeleton)
      |                  |                   |   |
      |                  |                   | Unmarshal Request
      |                  |                   |   |
      |                  |                   |   |
      |                  |                   | Execute Service
      |                  |                   |   |
      |                  |                   | Marshal Response
      |<-----------------|                   |<--|
      |  gRPC Response   |                   |   |
      |<-(Stub)          |                   |   |
      |                  |                   |