System Design Drills

13 minute read

Engineering is all about Trade-off’s

Latency -> 1ms (speed of transfer)

  • refers to the time it takes for a single unit of data to travel from its source to its destination.
  • It measures the delay or the time it takes for data to traverse a system.
  • Typically measured in milliseconds (ms) or microseconds (μs).

Throughput -> quantity of transfer (bps,tps)

  • Throughput refers to the rate at which data is transferred, processed, or handled by a system within a given period of time.
  • It measures the quantity of data being transferred or processed over time.
  • measured in bits per second (bps), packets per second (pps), or transactions per second (TPS)

Design for Low Latency & High Throughput


HTTP Status Codes

Service Discovery

  • Zookeeper Service Discovery Often used for distributed coordination, Zookeeper also serves as a service registry and can be used for service discovery.
  • Eureka: Developed by Netflix, Eureka is a service registry and discovery server that is widely used in microservices architectures.
  • etcd: A distributed key-value store that can be used for service discovery among other purposes. It’s commonly used in Kubernetes clusters.

Helps find where the service is (IP & DNS name)

  • Needed because in the cloud (GCP or AWS) services have dynamic IP’s or DNS Name
  • Service instances(VM or Container) register or write their IP or DNS name in a service registry
  • Service Registry is a key-value pair storage

2 ways of service discovery

Client-Side Service Discovery

  • client is responsible for discovering the network location of the service and
  • load balance across them.
  • Services register their IP when they start up
  • IP is remove using heart beat (if down)
  • Np Load balancer required

Server-Side Service Discovery

  • Client connects to Service Registry via a Load Balancer
  • Load balancer queries the service registry and
  • routes the traffic to target microservice
  • All Services register with the SERVICE REGISTRY

Examples of Service registry

  • etcd: A highly available, distributed service discovery system, used by Kubernetes
  • Hashicorp consul: Offers fast service discovery, load balancing adn API’s for registering and unregistering services
  • Apache Zookeeper: Built for Hadoop, commonly used alongside Apache Kafka. Used to coordinate distributed systems

Service Registration Pattern

  • Self Registration
  • Third Party Registration: Another system or microservice (Registrar) does the registration and de-registration.

Load Balancing

Distribute incoming network traffic across multiple servers.(to ensure no single server becomes overwhelmed)

Consistent hashing : distribute load among nodes

  • Tools: HAProxy, NGINX, AWS ELB (Elastic Load Balancing)

Distributed Rate Limiting

  • Rate Limiting: Control the rate of requests sent or received by a system to prevent abuse.
    • Token Bucket
    • Leaky Bucket
    • Fixed Window Counter
    • Sliding Window log (improvement on Fixed Window Counter)
    • Sliding Window Counter (mixed of above 2)
    • The Timer wheel

Fault Tolerance and Recovery

  • Replication: Data is copied across multiple nodes to ensure availability.
  • Leader Election: Determines the master node to coordinate tasks.
    • Algorithms: Paxos, Raft
  • Quorum-Based Decision-Making: Ensures that a majority of nodes agree on a decision to maintain consistency.

Failure Detection and Recovery

  • Gossip Protocol: Nodes periodically exchange state information to detect failures.
  • Sloppy Quorum: Allows temporary inconsistencies by accepting writes and reads from a subset of nodes.
  • Hinted Handoff: Temporarily stores data on an available node if the target node is down.

Metrics to detect failing/troubled nodes

  1. Average Response Time
  2. Age of messages in the message Queue
  3. Increasing messages in Dead Letter Queue

Request Collapsing

Request cohorting/condensing

Client side rate limiting

Storage and Databases

  • SQL Databases: Traditional relational databases that provide ACID transactions.
    • Examples: PostgreSQL, MySQL
  • NoSQL Databases: Handle large volumes of unstructured data and provide high availability.
    • Examples: Cassandra, MongoDB, Redis
  • Cassandra: NoSQL database designed to handle write-heavy workloads.
  • SQLite: File-based local relational database.

Data Sharding

  • Sharding: Distribute data across multiple servers (nodes) to improve scalability and performance.
    • Techniques: Range Sharding, Hash Sharding

Key-Value Storage

  • Radis
  • RocksDB: Local file-based key-value store that uses an LSM tree.

Storage Services

  • Amazon S3: Scalable object storage service by Amazon.
  • GCS (Google Cloud Storage): Object storage service by Google.

Distributed Databases

Problems with Distributed Databases Running in Multiple Nodes

1. Problems with Writing Data

Network Latency:

  • Solution: Optimize network protocols, use efficient data serialization formats, and place nodes in close-proximity to reduce latency.

Write Conflicts:

  • Solution: Implement conflict resolution strategies such as last-write-wins, version vectors, or application-specific logic.

Replication Lag:

  • Solution: Use faster replication mechanisms like asynchronous replication and ensure adequate network bandwidth.

Partitioning and Sharding:

  • Solution: Use consistent hashing for efficient data distribution and rebalancing mechanisms to handle dynamic changes in data.

2. Problems with Reading Data

Data Consistency:

  • Solution: Choose the appropriate consistency model (e.g., linearizability, strong consistency, eventual consistency, causal consistency) based on the application needs and use quorum reads.
    • use protocols like Paxos or Raft for strong consistency

Stale Data:

  • Solution: Implement mechanisms like read-repair, anti-entropy protocols, and tune replication factors to reduce staleness.

Load Balancing: Solution: Use advanced load balancing techniques such as consistent hashing, random sampling, and dynamic load adjustment.

Partition Tolerance:

  • Solution: Design the system to degrade gracefully during partitions and use techniques like eventual consistency to ensure data convergence.

3. Maintaining Consistency and Availability

  • Quorum Consensus:
    • Solution: Adjust quorum sizes dynamically based on system state and use techniques like read/write quorums to balance consistency and availability.
  • Data Recovery and Fault Tolerance:
    • Solution: Use replication, backups, and consensus algorithms (e.g., Paxos, Raft) to ensure data is recoverable and the system is resilient to failures.
  • Coordination and Synchronization:
    • Solution: Use coordination services (e.g., Zookeeper, etcd) for distributed locks and leader election, and design algorithms to minimize the need for coordination.
  • Consensus-Based Distributed Databases: Ensure consistency across distributed nodes.
    • Examples: YugabyteDB, CockroachDB
  • Keep copies of data (master-slave design)

Consensus Algorithms

Raft: Consensus algorithm for managing a replicated log.


  • Used by Apache Zookeeper (used for distributed locking)
  • Google Chubby - for distributed locking and maintaining order in distributed logs

Data Center and Transaction Processing

  • Typical Data Center Node: Can support a few thousand transactions per second.
  • ZooKeeper: Used to maintain sharding information in distributed databases.

Data Synchronization

  • Anti-Entropy Protocol: Nodes compare and reconcile their data to ensure consistency.
    • Merkle Trees: Used to detect inconsistencies efficiently.

Handling Race Conditions in Distributed Environments

  • Multiple nodes trying to update the same resource simultaneously.
  • Concurrent transactions in a distributed database leading to inconsistent states.

Prevention Techniques:

  • Locks and Semaphores: Ensure only one process can access a resource at a time.
  • Transactional Systems: Use of ACID transactions to ensure consistency.
  • Versioning and Vector Clocks: Track changes and resolve conflicts based on causality.
  • Idempotent Operations: Design operations to be repeatable without causing different outcomes.
Inconsistency Resolution (Caused due to data replication)
  • Vector Clocks: Track causality and versioning to resolve inconsistencies caused by concurrent updates.


  • Zookeeper: For coordination and distributed locking.
  • Etcd: A distributed key-value store that provides coordination and consistency guarantees.

Transaction Coordination (in distributed Env)

Problems with Distributed Transactions

1. Network Latency

Distributed transactions often involve communication across different nodes, which can introduce significant network latency.


  • Optimize network protocols.
  • Minimize data transfer.
  • Use batching and parallelism.

2. Two-Phase Commit (2PC) Limitations

The 2PC protocol is commonly used to ensure atomicity in distributed transactions but can lead to bottlenecks and is vulnerable to coordinator failures.


  • Use Three-Phase Commit (3PC).
  • Employ consensus algorithms (e.g., Paxos, Raft) - for greater fault tolerance

3. Resource Locking

Distributed transactions can lock resources across multiple nodes, leading to contention and reduced system throughput.


  • Implement distributed locking mechanisms.
  • Use timeout-based locks.
  • Consider lock-free or optimistic concurrency control.

4. Data Consistency

Ensuring consistency across distributed nodes is challenging, especially in the presence of network partitions or node failures.


  • Use appropriate consistency models (e.g., eventual consistency, strong consistency).
  • Employ conflict resolution strategies.

5. Failure Handling

Handling failures (node crashes, network partitions) in distributed transactions is complex and can lead to data inconsistency or transaction rollback issues.


  • Implement robust failure detection and recovery mechanisms.
  • Use transaction logs for recovery.
  • Design for graceful handling of partial failures.

6. Scalability

As the number of nodes increases, coordinating transactions across them becomes more complex and can impact performance.


  • Design with scalability in mind.
  • Use sharding and partitioning.
  • Minimize cross-node transactions.

7. Distributed Deadlocks

Distributed transactions can lead to deadlocks where two or more transactions are waiting for each other to release resources.


  • Implement deadlock detection and resolution mechanisms.
  • Use timeout-based deadlock prevention.
  • Consider deadlock-free protocols.

2-Phase Commit (2PC)

Either all nodes commit the transaction or all of them abort.

Phase 1 (Prepare):

  • The coordinator sends a prepare request to all participants.
  • Participants execute the transaction up to the point of committing and vote to either commit or abort.
  • Each participant writes the transaction to a log.

Phase 2 (Commit):

  • If all participants vote to commit, the coordinator sends a commit request.
  • If any participant votes to abort, the coordinator sends an abort request.

Use Cases: Suitable for short-lived transactions requiring strong consistency.

Try-Confirm/Cancel (TCC)

A three-phase protocol used to achieve distributed transaction management with compensating actions.

  • Try: Reserve resources required for the transaction. Ensure that all preconditions are met.
  • Confirm: Once all Try operations succeed, actually execute the transaction.
  • Cancel: If any Try operation fails, roll back all reserved resources.

Use Cases: Suitable for business transactions that require reservation of resources and eventual consistency.

Saga Pattern

A sequence of local transactions where each transaction updates the database and publishes an event or message triggering the next transaction step.

  • If a transaction fails, the saga executes compensating transactions to undo the impact of the preceding transactions.

Choreography: Each service listens for events and decides if an action is needed. There is no central coordination.

Orchestration: A central coordinator tells each participant what local transaction to execute.

Use Cases: Long-lived transactions where each step is independently recoverable and eventual consistency is acceptable.

Consistency and Coordination (across all nodes)

  • Distributed Locks: Ensure only one node accesses a resource at a time.
    • Tools: Zookeeper, Consul
  • Consensus Algorithms: Ensure agreement among distributed nodes. Ensures all DB replicas are in sync.
    • Examples: Paxos, Raft
  • Distributed Data Structures:
    • Distributed Counters: Used for counting operations across nodes.
    • Atomic Operations: Ensure operations are completed atomically across nodes.


  • CDNs (Content Delivery Networks): Distribute content closer to users to reduce latency.
    • Examples: Akamai, Cloudflare
  • In-Memory Caches: Store frequently accessed data to reduce database load.
    • Examples: Memcached, Redis

Content Delivery Networks

  • CDN (Content Delivery Network): Uses edge servers located at points of presence (POPs) to deliver content closer to users. CDN : Edhge servers(server inside a POP) POP : Point of presense(Server Locations)

Monitoring and Logging

  • Monitoring Tools: Track system performance and health.
    • Examples: Prometheus, Grafana
  • Logging Tools: Collect and analyze log data.
    • Examples: ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana)

Video Containers and Codecs

  • Video Containers: File formats that can contain different types of data, including video, audio, and subtitles.
    • .avi
    • .mpeg
    • .mov
    • .mp4
  • Codecs: Compression and decompression algorithms used to encode and decode video files.
    • HEVC (High-Efficiency Video Coding)
    • H.264 (Advanced Video Coding)

Streaming Protocols

  • DASH (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming Over HTTP): Adapts video quality based on network conditions.
  • MPEG (Moving Pictures Experts Group): Standards for audio and video compression.
  • Apple HLS (HTTP Live Streaming): Streaming protocol by Apple for delivering media content.
  • Adobe HDS (HTTP Dynamic Streaming): Protocol by Adobe for adaptive bitrate streaming.
  • Higher Bitrate: Higher video quality.

Communication Protocols

  • REST (Representational State Transfer): Web service communication protocol using HTTP.
  • gRPC: High-performance RPC framework using HTTP/2 for communication between microservices.
  • WebSockets: Full-duplex communication channel over a single TCP connection, useful for real-time applications.
  • HTTP2.0
  • HTTP 3.0

Data Stores and Messaging

  • Redis: In-memory key-value store.
    • Pub/Sub: Lightweight messaging bus for sending messages between services.
  • ZooKeeper: Hierarchical key-value store.
    • Distributed Config Service
    • Synchronization Service
    • Naming Service
  • Prometheus / InfluxDB: Time-series databases for monitoring and metrics.
  • Facebook’s Gorilla: In-memory time-series database for monitoring ingestion.
  • Flink: Stream processing engine for real-time data processing.
  • Grafana: Visualization tool for monitoring and observability.
  • Debezium: Change data capture tool for tracking database changes.

Queue and Messaging Systems

  • Message Queues: Decouple components and handle asynchronous communication.
    • Examples: RabbitMQ, Apache Kafka
  • Kafka: Low-latency, high-throughput data event streaming platform designed for real-time data feeds.


  • Authentication and Authorization: Ensure secure access to services.
    • Examples: OAuth, JWT (JSON Web Tokens)
  • Encryption: Protect data in transit and at rest using protocols like TLS/SSL.


  • CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment): Automate the process of integrating and deploying code changes.
    • Tools: Jenkins, GitLab CI, CircleCI

Email Protocols and Tools

  • SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol): Protocol for sending email from one mail server to another.
  • POP (Post Office Protocol): Protocol for retrieving email; mail clients download entire emails.
  • IMAP (Internet Mail Access Protocol): Protocol for email retrieval.
    • Only downloads emails when accessed, never deletes from the server.
    • Allows access from multiple devices.
  • MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions): Allows attachments in base64 encoding.
  • Apache James: Implements JMAP (JSON Meta Application Protocol).

Search and Indexing

  • Search Store: Uses an inverted index data structure for efficient search queries.
  • Email Threads: Implemented using the JWZ Algorithm.

File System and Checksums

  • Unix: Filenames are stored in a data structure called inode, while file data is stored separately.
  • Checksum Algorithms: Ensure data integrity.
    • MD5
    • SHA
    • HMAC

Payment Systems

  • Tipalti: Third-party payout provider.
  • Stripe: Payment processing platform.
  • PSP (Payment Service Provider): Facilitates electronic payments.
  • CVV (Card Verification Value): Security feature for credit and debit cards.

Identifiers and Algorithms

  • UUID (Universally Unique Identifier): Used as a nonce.
  • Exponential Backoff: Technique where the wait time between retries is doubled after each failure.

Financial Protocols

  • FIX Protocol (Financial Information Exchange Protocol): Standard for electronic communication in the financial industry.

Routing Algorithms

  • Dijkstra’s Algorithm: Finds the shortest path between nodes in a graph.
  • A* Algorithm: Pathfinding and graph traversal algorithm.

Roads as edges, intersections as nodes

Software Design Patterns

  • Event Sourcing: Domain-driven design pattern where state changes are stored as a sequence of events.
  • CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation): Separates read and write operations into different models.

Append Only Data structure

Supports adding new data (appending) without modifying or deleting existing data.

  • particularly useful when sequential write operations are crucial.

mmap (memory-mapped file)

mmap is a feature that allows files or devices to be mapped into memory, enabling applications to access files as if they were part of the main memory. This can significantly improve performance when dealing with large files, as it reduces the need for frequent read/write system calls.

  • Can write to a disk, and cache recent content in memory at the same time

Case Study Examples


  • Microservices Architecture: Decomposes the application into small, independent services.
  • Eureka: Service registry for service discovery.
  • Zuul: Gateway for dynamic routing, monitoring, and resiliency.
  • Hystrix: Latency and fault-tolerance library.


  • Geospatial Databases: Store and query location data.
    • Example: PostGIS (extension of PostgreSQL)
  • Real-Time Data Processing: Stream processing frameworks.
    • Examples: Apache Kafka, Apache Flink


  • Real-Time Matching: Matching riders with drivers using algorithms.
  • Geospatial Indexing: Efficiently handle location-based queries.
    • Data Structures: QuadTree, R-Tree
  • Load Balancing: Distribute incoming requests across multiple servers.

News Feed

  • Feed Generation: Use of ranking algorithms to personalize content.
  • Graph Databases: Manage relationships and interactions.
    • Example: Neo4j
  • Data Aggregation: Collect data from various sources and aggregate it.
    • Example: Apache Storm