Rate Limiting
Can be in an application server or a DB server or any type od servers
Overloaded systems can
- increase latency
- OOM errors
- results in cascading failures (when one fails, all requests are transferred to another overloading the other one)
Rate Limiting Algorithms
Sliding Window Rate Limiting
Allow only a certain number of requests in a time interval. Additional requests are dropped
- Simple to implement
- Memory footprint
If sliding window is of size N, keep N requests in the memory.
- Garbage collection
finding the requests to evict needs N searches each time
Timer Wheel Algorithm
The timer wheel allots requests to slots based on the time of their arrival.
- Size of the wheel (Number of buckets) = Timeout of the incoming request
- Bucket is numbered 0 to Timeout -1
- Each bucket can store a limited number of requests (In a Linked List or a Queue)
- Request is added into the bucket number = Time % Number of buckets/Size of
Wheel, Modulo operator keeps it revolving
- System can pull requests from this queue one by one.
- Before inserting a new request into a bucket it deletes all the existing requests (These requests have not been processed by the system)
Hierarchal Timer Wheel
Rate Limiting Internal Requests
Ways to identify the request overloading within the system
- Average response time : if its increasing, then the system is overloaded
- Age of meggases in the wait Queue : If the Queue is slowly processed, the average age of the request in the queue will be increasing
- Increased number of requests in the Dead Letter Queue