Distributed Messaging
Means of loosely coupling sub-systems
Messaging Protocols
- STOMP - Simple Text Oriented Messaging Protocol
- MQTT - Message Queue Telemetry Protocol (for machine to machine - IOT)
AMQP - Asynchronous Messaging Queueing Protocol
- Rabbit MQ
- Kafka
4 actors of Messaging
Producer –> Sends message –> to an exchange –> Routed to –> Queue –> Delivered to –> a Consumer
- Actual AMQP elements where messages are sent at first
- takes a message and routes it into one or more queues
- Routing Algo decides where to send messages from exchange
- Routing algo depends on exchange type and rules called “bindings”
Messages vs Events
In terms of OOP, Message
is the Super class with Event
and Command
What is typically understood by message is actually a command.
- Has already happened, in the past
- order of events can’t be changed as history can’t be altered
- Can be sent via the Event Streaming Platform like Apache Kafka Streams
- typically represents a state change
- Events are often used to indicate that something has occurred in the system that other parts of the system might be interested in.
- Decoupling: Events are usually published to an event queue or an event stream, and consumers (or subscribers) can process these events independently. The producer of the event doesn’t need to know who the consumers are.
- Immutable: Once an event is created and published, it doesn’t change. It’s a record(log) of something that had happened.
- request for a task to be done
- order and priority can change
- Can be sent via API calls (point to point or async) or via “Message Brokers” like Apache Active MQ, Rabbit MQ, Solace
- typically refers to a piece of data or a command sent from one component to another within a system.
- Unlike events, messages often contain commands or instructions that prompt a specific action or response
- Direct Communication: Messages are often used in point-to-point communication or request-response patterns. The sender of the message typically expects a specific response or action from the receiver.
- Contextual: Messages can include commands, requests, or data that needs to be acted upon. The sender and receiver usually have a defined relationship.
- Payment service creates an event
<<payment received>>
and published it to kafka event streaming platform. - Order service subscribes to the event published and processes the payment.
- Order service, then, send a message/command
<<send invoice>>
to a messaging queue like RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ or solace. - Communication service subscribes to the message and reads the messages and processes it.
- immutable array of bytes
- topic -> feed of messages
See : Topic Partitioning
Queue helps keeping track of requests and redirect in case of a failure
- Asynchronous requests
- In a queue, data persistence
Why is kafka fast
Kafka is optimized for high Throughput.
Reliance of Sequential I/O
2 types of Disk Access patterns
- Random access
- Sequential access
Kafka uses append only logs as its primary data structure which adds new data to the end of the file
HHD is 1/3 of the price, but 3 times capacity due to which kafka can keep messages (cost effectively) over a long period of time
Zero Copy principle
The data page is loaded from the disk to the OS buffer (RAM??) - zero copy
the directly from RAM into the NIC Buffer (kafka uses system call called sendFile()
to tell the OS to directly copy the data from the OS cache to the network interface card buffer)
With modern network card, this copying is done with the DMA (Direct Memory Access) - when its used, the CPU is not involved