API Protocols

2 minute read



Top pick for Web API’s

  • Simple
  • Scalable and works well with web services
  • standard HTTP Methods
  • Stateless so scaling up easily achieved
  • Over fetching data issue
  • to get related data, multiple network calls, thus increasing latency


UI can ask the precise data and its sent in one go

  • strongly types schema & precised data retrieval
  • supports realtime updates through subscriptions
  • But, the flexibility can overwhelm the backend
  • since its dynamic, caching is trickier



Web socket - persistent bidirectional full duplex connections



Modern, high-performance, Protocol Buffers

Suitable for microservices architectures



Communication Standards:


very common protocol and is used over HTTP.

It is stateless because rather than relying on the server to remember the previous requests, REST applications require each request to contain all of the information necessary for the server to understand it.

Requests are cacheable


Thrift has a code generator which generates data structures that can be serialized using Thrift, and client and server stubs for RPC, in different languages.


we can request the specific attributes. So it saves bandwidth and also providessecurity


is generally used by microservices to communicate internally.It is written over HTTP 2.0

Head-of-Line Blocking in HTTP

Head-Of-Line blocking occurs when the message/data packet at the head of the queue cannot move forward due to congestion even if other messages/packets behind this one could

HTTP 2.0 solves this problem using Multiplexing. It implements multiplexing by breaking the messages/data packets into frames and are sent in streams.

Each stream has a stream ID. So,when you get a message of a stream ID, that stream is going to be blocked until all the messages having the stream IDs are processed.

HTTP 2.0 solved Head of Line Blocking, but it is still written over TCP. Even though data packets are broken into logical streams, they are not independent because they are running on the same TCP

Protocols for video transmission

HTTP is not good for video transmission because:Videos are broken into chunks. Since HTTP is stateless, the client has to specify which chunk it wants because the server does not know about the previous requests.

HTTP is written over TCP which is not optimal for live streaming. Because in live streaming, if the video packet does not reach the client then there is no point in retrying because the data is old.So UDP is better for live-streaming.

However, in some cases where we need, guaranteeddelivery TCP is preferred.


DASH stands for Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTPThis protocol runs over TCP. So there is guaranteed delivery and ordering.

The basic idea is, that the client sends a signal to the main server based on the data you can handle

In Mac devices, HLS HTTP live streaming is used. It is very similar to HTTP-DASH


WebRTC uses peer-to-peer communication . HTTP 2.0, HTTP-DASH and QUIC (HTTP 3.0) used client-server communication

How does peer-to-peer communication work?

First, the clients get the addresses of the other clients from the server. Then the server sends the information to both the clients. Clients use this information to connect.

Since it does not require a serverIt is fast.It saves bandwidth.

It is more robust because even if the server crashes, clients can keep talking to each other.