SQL Basics

2 minute read

Default schemas

  • Postgres - public
  • SQL Server - dbo
  • MySQL -
  • Oracle - sys
-- Postgres
select * from information_schema.tables
where table_schema='public';



  • PRIMARY KEY – Make sure that the column does not have null values and is always having unique records
  • NOT NULL – Define a column as not null if you never want to have null values in it.
  • CHECK – Validates with the given list of values
create table test
	gender	varchar(10) check (gender in ('M', 'F', 'Male', 'Female'))
  • UNIQUE – Avoid duplicate values. But it allows NULL values.
create table test
	id	varchar(15) unique,

How many ways to delete data?

  • truncate (deletes data but not table): TRUNCATE removes all rows from a table
  • The DELETE command is used to remove rows from a table
    • you need to COMMIT or ROLLBACK the transaction to make the change permanent
  • drop table/database : deletes a table/database
    • All the tables’ rows, indexes and privileges will also be removed
    • The operation cannot be rolled back.

Find count of departments where there are more than 5 employees.

select count(*) AS "# employees", d.dname
      from dept d, employees e, mapping m
      where e.eid = m.eid AND d.did = m.did
      group by d.dname
      having count(*) > 5;

SET Theory: Inline-view, TOP-N Analysis

-- Select 11th highest salary.
from (select * from EMPLOYEE order by salary desc)
where rownum < 12
from (select * from EMPLOYEE order by salary desc)
where rownum < 11

Name all the departments with more than 5 employees.

select d.dname
      from dept d, employees e, mapping m
      where e.eid = m.eid AND d.did = m.did
      group by d.dname
      having count(*) > 5;



The USING clause

The USING clause is used if several columns share the same name but you don’t want to join using all of these common columns. The columns listed in the USING clause can’t have any qualifiers in the statement, including the WHERE clause.

The ON clause

The ON clause is used to join tables where the column names don’t match in both tables. The join conditions are removed from the filter conditions in the WHERE clause.

-- OUTER JOIN is smarter than INNER
-- Customer – cust_id - 1,2,3
-- Sales – cust_id - 3, 6

Select * from customer c, sales s where c.cust_id = s.cust_id

Select * from customer c LEFT OUTER JOIN sales s ON c.cust_id = s.sales_id
Select * from customer c RIGHT OUTER JOIN sales s ON c.cust_id = s.sales_id
Select * from customer c FULL OUTER JOIN sales s ON c.cust_id = s.sales_id
select t1.* from t1, t2 where t1.c = t2.c
And t2.d > 2000

-- SELF JOIN only one table is involved in join
Select t1.* from KYC k1, KYC k2 where k1.kyc_ind = K2.kyc_ind

SELECT SSN, E.Name AS EName, LastName, D.Name AS DName, Department, Code, Budget
 FROM Employees E **INNER JOIN** Departments D
 **ON** E.Department = D.Code;


 SELECT SSN, E.Name AS Name_E, LastName, D.Name AS Name_D, Department, Code, Budget
 FROM **Employees E, Departments D**
 **where** E.Department = D.Code;

SELF JOIN – only one table is involved in join

SELECT e1.ename||' works for '||e2.ename  AS
"Employees and their Managers"
FROM emp e1 JOIN emp e2 ON (e1.mgr = e2.empno);

OR can be written as

SELECT e1.ename||' works for '||e2.ename  AS
"Employees and their Managers"
FROM emp e1, emp e2 where (e1.mgr = e2.empno);


