Distributed DB Query Optimization

13 minute read

In Google Cloud Platform’s BigQuery, clustering and partitioning are optimization techniques used to improve query performance and manage costs when working with large datasets.


For Tradition and Old DBs, an index is a data structure that improves the speed of data retrieval operations on a database table.

Use in BigQuery: While BigQuery doesn’t support traditional indexing like other databases, leveraging partitioning and clustering effectively serves a similar purpose by optimizing data access paths.

Indexes are a performance drag when modifying records (Write Heavy DBs).


Partitioning involves dividing a large database table into smaller, more manageable segments called partitions, making it easier and more efficient to query large datasets.

Partitioning can be based on various criteria:

  • Range Partitioning: Data is partitioned based on ranges of column values ( e.g., dates).
  • Hash Partitioning: Data is partitioned based on a hash function applied to a specific column.
  • List Partitioning: Data is partitioned based on a list of discrete values.

Partitioning in BigQuery

Partition can be based on:

  • Time-based columns: Such as DATE or TIMESTAMP.
  • Integer range: You can also partition by integer values, which can be useful for datasets that can be grouped into ranges.

Maximum Partitions in Google BigQuery

As of now BigQuery supports:

  • Up to 4,000 partitions per table for partitioned tables based on a single column.
  • However, if a table is partitioned by ingestion time, it can support daily partitions,
    • which allows for a much larger number of partitions.
CREATE TABLE my_dataset.my_partitioned_table
    event_id   INT64,
    event_name STRING,
    event_date DATE
) PARTITION BY event_date;


Clustering further organizes data within the partitions. It sorts the data based on specific columns, allowing for more efficient querying.

CREATE TABLE ` project_name.dataset_id.patient_visits `
    PARTITION BY CAST(FARM_FINGERPRINT(facility_id) % 100 AS INT64) -- Partition by hashed(UUID) facility_id, LOW CARDINALITY
    CLUSTER BY patient_id, visit_date -- Cluster by both patient_id and visit_date  
    -- Cluster by patient_id (High Cardinality), visit_Date(medium cardinality)

SELECT visit_id,    --STRING
       patient_id,  --STRING, HIGH CARDINALITY
       facility_id, --STRING, UUID format, LOW CARDINALITY
       visit_date,  --DATE
       visit_reason --STRING
FROM `project_name.dataset_id.source_table`;

-- Data insert, for 2 patinets in same facility
INSERT INTO ` project_name.dataset_id.patient_visits ` (visit_id, patient_id,
                                                        facility_id, visit_date,
VALUES ('V001', 'P001', '550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000', '2023-07-01',
       ('V002', 'P002', '550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440001', '2023-07-02',
        'Flu symptoms'),
       ('V003', 'P001', '550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000', '2023-08-01',


  • If you partition your table by the visit_date, and if you’re analyzing patient visits for July 2023, BigQuery would only look at the partition for that month, significantly reducing the amount of data processed.


  • By Facility ID: If many queries focus on specific facilities, clustering by this column can reduce the amount of data scanned.
  • By Patient ID or other attributes: Clustering by patient attributes might also be beneficial if queries often filter on patient demographics.

Within each partition (e.g., July 2023), you could cluster your data by patient_id or facility_id.

If a query is run to get patient visit details for Facility A in July 2023, BigQuery can quickly find the relevant data without scanning all the records for other facilities.

Querying by Facility ID

FROM `project_name.dataset_id.patient_visits`
WHERE CAST(FARM_FINGERPRINT(facility_id) % 100 AS INT64) = 00576
  AND visit_date BETWEEN '2023-07-01' AND '2023-07-31';

Querying by Patient ID

FROM `project_name.dataset_id.patient_visits`
WHERE patient_id = 'P001'
  AND visit_date = '2023-07-01';

Partitioning v/s Clustering

Use Partitioning When:

  • The column used for partitioning has a time-based nature (dates, medium cardinality)
  • The query patterns filter on a specific range of values, especially if those values are well-defined (like date ranges).
  • You want to significantly reduce the amount of data scanned for queries that filter on a low cardinality column.

Use Clustering When:

  • You have high cardinality columns frequently queried (e.g., patient_id) but unsuitable for partitioning.
  • Queries filter or aggregate on specific columns, benefiting from sorting.
  • You want to enhance performance for filtering or joining based on certain attributes.

Combined Use Cases : Partitioning and Clustering Together: Use both strategies together for maximum performance. For example,

  • partition by a date column (high cardinality, time-based) and
  • cluster by facility_id (medium cardinality) and status (low cardinality) to optimize a variety of queries.


Sharding is a technique for horizontally partitioning data across multiple servers or nodes (shards). Each shard independently stores a subset of the data, collectively forming a logical whole.

Benefits of Sharding

  • Improves Scalability: Distributes data across multiple machines, making it easier to handle large datasets.
  • Enhances Performance: Allows for parallel processing of queries and transactions, leading to faster query execution.

Sharding in BigQuery

While BigQuery does not explicitly use the term “sharding,” you can achieve similar results by:

  1. Partitioned Tables: Use time-based columns to partition your data, optimizing query performance and reducing costs.
  2. Sharded Tables: Create multiple tables with a common naming convention ( e.g., dataset.table_2021, dataset.table_2022) to distribute data across different tables.

Early data filtering

Context: Most analyzed data access patterns are entity-centric, where data is fetched by passing a unique identifier (e.g., ENTITY_ID) as a filter while running queries.

However, only a few tables in the domain contain the same identifier, resulting in poor performance as data from multiple joined tables needs to be read and filtered after the join.

For the two tables

Issue: Only ENTITY_TABLE is filtered by MASTER_IDENTIFIER, causing all records in DETAILS_TABLE to be processed before filtering.

FROM `project.dataset.ENTITY_TABLE` e
         JOIN `project.dataset.DETAILS_TABLE` d USING (ENTITY_ID)

Execution Plan Breakdown Table Scans:

Full Table Scan on ENTITY_TABLE:

  • The database starts by scanning the entire ENTITY_TABLE to find rows where MASTER_IDENTIFIER = ‘12345’.
  • This can be inefficient if the table is large, as it reads all rows.

Full Table Scan on DETAILS_TABLE:

  • The join will also require scanning the DETAILS_TABLE to gather all records associated with the ENTITY_ID, regardless of whether they match the MASTER_IDENTIFIER.

Join Operation:

After filtering ENTITY_TABLE, the database will perform a join operation using the ENTITY_ID column. Since the filtering occurred after the join, all rows from DETAILS_TABLE must be considered for joining, leading to unnecessary data processing.

Result Filtering:

Once the join is complete, the system then filters out any results that don’t match the specified MASTER_IDENTIFIER. This means that a lot of unnecessary data was processed before filtering, which leads to poor performance.

Issues Identified Lack of Early Filtering: The main issue is that filtering is applied only to ENTITY_TABLE, meaning all records from DETAILS_TABLE are processed before the result is narrowed down.

Inefficient Data Retrieval: Full table scans on both tables, especially if they are large , can lead to slow performance and high resource usage.

Solution: Filter data earlier using **a common column present in all tables **, such as ENTITY_ID.

FROM `project.dataset.ENTITY_TABLE` e
         JOIN `project.dataset.DETAILS_TABLE` d USING (ENTITY_ID)
WHERE e.ENTITY_ID = '67890'; -- instead of MASTER_IDENTIFIER

This called a filter (or predicate) pushdown, where filtering happens before the join. Primary {: .notice–primary}

Cluster Pruning

Cluster pruning refers to the optimization technique used in databases, particularly in distributed databases, to reduce the amount of data read from storage during query execution.

  • It involves skipping unnecessary data blocks or partitions that do not contain relevant data for a given query.
  • The goal is to minimize disk I/O and improve query performance by avoiding the need to read entire data sets.

In distributed databases, cluster pruning is often associated with query optimization strategies such as

  • predicate pushdown (where filters are applied as early as possible in the query execution process) and
  • partition pruning (where unnecessary partitions are excluded from query processing based on query predicates).

Context: Filter-pushdown allows processing less data in later stages, but * *does not reduce** the initial amount of data read.

Reading entire table data can become a bottleneck as data grows.

FROM `project.dataset.BIG_TABLE`

Issue: The query reads the entire table before filtering.

Solution: Cluster the table on the ENTITY_ID column.

FROM `project.dataset.BIG_TABLE`

Clustering vs Cluster Pruning

Clustering is the organization of data based on specified columns to improve performance.

Cluster pruning is the process that occurs when the database engine skips irrelevant data during a query because of that clustering.

Clustering refers to the method of organizing data in a way that optimizes query performance. In systems like BigQuery, clustering involves physically sorting the data based on specified columns (e.g., facility_id, patient_id). When a table is clustered, queries that filter on these clustered columns can skip over large amounts of irrelevant data, reducing the amount scanned and speeding up query performance.

a table in BigQuery that is clustered by patient_id.

CREATE TABLE your_dataset.patient_visits
    CLUSTER BY patient_id;

Cluster pruning is a specific optimization technique that occurs as a result of clustering. When you run a query that includes filters on the clustered columns, the database engine can “prune” or skip entire sections of the dataset that do not meet the query criteria. This means that only the relevant clusters (or sorted sections of data) are read, which improves query performance and reduces costs.

-- CLUSTER BY patient_id
FROM your_dataset.patient_visits
WHERE patient_id = 'P001';

BigQuery uses cluster pruning to only scan the segments of data that contain records for P001, skipping over all other patient IDs.

Data materialization

Context: Queries often use real-time data, leading to high computation costs as views are recalculated on each query execution.

Solution: Materialize data using scheduled queries or materialized views. !! TODO:CHECK WITH SOMEONE

  • Calculate Once and re-use multiple times

Materialized Views

FROM `project.dataset.SOURCE_TABLE` e

Scheduled Query

1. Create the Destination Table:

  • Before creating the scheduled query, you need a destination table where the results will be stored.
CREATE TABLE ` project.dataset.destination_table ` AS
FROM `project.dataset.SOURCE_TABLE` e
WHERE FALSE; -- Create an empty table with the correct schema

2: Set Up the Scheduled Query:

  • Go to the BigQuery Console.
  • In the navigation pane, click on “Scheduled queries.”
  • Click on “Create Scheduled Query.”
  • In the SQL section, enter the query:
--Ensuring no duplicate record insertion into destination table
TRUNCATE TABLE ` project.dataset.destination_table `;

INSERT INTO ` project.dataset.destination_table `
FROM `project.dataset.SOURCE_TABLE` e
--This filter ensures that only rows from the last three months are selected.

3: Configure the Schedule:

  • Choose how frequently you want the query to run (e.g., hourly, daily).
  • Set the time zone and start time as needed.

Key Differences

Materialized Views: Automatically refresh and maintain the results based on the underlying data. !!TODO:: HOW??

Scheduled Queries: You control when to run the query, and the results are stored in a table you specify. You may need to handle the refresh logic (e.g., truncating the table before inserting new data) if necessary.

Avoiding repeated reads and transformations


Common Table Expressions (CTEs) can lead to repeated reads if not used carefully.

--3 CTE's
WITH entity_data AS (SELECT *
                     FROM `project.dataset.ENTITY_TABLE`),
     entity_details AS ( -- read from the entity_data CTE
         SELECT * FROM entity_data WHERE ENTITY_TYPE = 'EntityDetails'),
     entity_summary AS ( -- read from the entity_data CTE second time
         SELECT * FROM entity_data WHERE ENTITY_TYPE = 'EntitySummary')

FROM entity_details
FROM entity_summary


ENTITY_TABLE is read multiple times.!! TODO: Check if the entity_data CTE is called twice means it executes twice thus executing Entity Table twice


Use analytic functions or flatten the CTE to avoid repeated reads.

                                        OVER (PARTITION BY ENTITY_ID ORDER BY TIMESTAMP) AS ATTRIBUTE
                     FROM `project.dataset.ENTITY_TABLE`)

FROM entity_data
WHERE ENTITY_TYPE = 'EntityDetails'
FROM entity_data
WHERE ENTITY_TYPE = 'EntitySummary'

Partitioning in Google Cloud Spanner

In Spanner, data is automatically partitioned into ranges based on the primary key. You can define a primary key that determines how data is distributed across nodes. This is crucial for achieving good performance and scalability.

Example: If you have a patient_visits table, you might define a primary key like this:

CREATE TABLE patient_visits
    visit_id     STRING(36) NOT NULL,
    patient_id   STRING(36),
    facility_id  STRING(36),
    visit_date   DATE,
    visit_reason STRING(255),
) PRIMARY KEY (facility_id, visit_date, visit_id);

In this case, the table is partitioned by facility_id and visit_date. This allows Spanner to efficiently query data by those keys.

Clustering in Google Cloud Spanner

While Spanner doesn’t have a dedicated clustering feature like BigQuery, you can achieve similar results by carefully designing your primary key. By including frequently queried columns in your primary key, you can improve performance for specific query patterns.

Example: If you expect many queries to filter by patient_id, you could modify the primary key:

PRIMARY KEY (facility_id, patient_id, visit_date, visit_id)


In a distributed database, especially in data warehouses, denormalization ( storing redundant data) can reduce the need for complex joins and improve query performance.

Example: Instead of normalizing patient data across multiple tables, you might store it all in one table, which can speed up read queries.

CREATE TABLE ` project.dataset.denormalized_patient_data ` AS
SELECT p.patient_id,
FROM `project.dataset.patients` p
         JOIN `project.dataset.visits` v ON p.patient_id = v.patient_id;

Additional Concepts for Query Optimization

Data Types:

Optimization: Choosing appropriate data types can reduce storage costs and improve performance. For instance, using INTEGER instead of STRING for numeric values can yield better performance.

-- Using INTEGER instead of STRING for IDs
CREATE TABLE ` project.dataset.optimized_table `
    patient_id   INT64, -- Better performance than STRING
    visit_date   DATE,
    visit_reason STRING

Query Rewrite:

Optimization: Sometimes, rewriting queries for better performance can help. For instance,

  • using JOIN instead of UNION when the same dataset is being merged can reduce the overhead.
  • Avoiding subqueries when possible can also enhance performance.
-- Instead of using UNION, use JOIN if applicable
FROM `project.dataset.table_a` a
         JOIN `project.dataset.table_b` b ON a.id = b.id;

subquery that retrieves the average visit count for each patient and then filters the results based on that average

FROM `project.dataset.patients` p
       FROM `project.dataset.visits` v
       WHERE v.patient_id = p.patient_id) > 5;

Instead of using a subquery, we can use a JOIN and a GROUP BY clause to achieve the same result more efficiently.

FROM `project.dataset.patients` p
         JOIN (SELECT patient_id, COUNT(*) AS visit_count
               FROM `project.dataset.visits`
               GROUP BY patient_id) v ON p.patient_id = v.patient_id
WHERE v.visit_count > 5;

Data Sampling:

Use Case: For exploratory data analysis, consider using sampled data instead of the full dataset to speed up query times. BigQuery supports sampling methods that can be utilized in your queries.

FROM `project.dataset.large_table`

Load Balancing:

Context: In distributed databases, balancing the load among nodes can prevent some nodes from becoming bottlenecks. Ensure that your data distribution is even across partitions or shards.

In Spanner, you can ensure even distribution by defining a well-thought-out primary key.

CREATE TABLE patient_visits
    visit_id     STRING(36) NOT NULL,
    patient_id   STRING(36),
    facility_id  STRING(36),
    visit_date   DATE,
    visit_reason STRING(255),
) PRIMARY KEY (facility_id, visit_date, patient_id);

Avoiding Cross-Joins:

Context: Cross-joins can lead to significant performance degradation. Always ensure that join conditions are specified to avoid cartesian products.

-- Always include join conditions
FROM `project.dataset.table_a` a
         JOIN `project.dataset.table_b` b
              ON a.id = b.id; -- Avoiding cross-join


Context: If your queries frequently access the same datasets, consider caching results where possible. This can significantly reduce load times for repeat queries.

-- You can utilize materialized views for caching results
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW `project.dataset.cached_view` AS
SELECT patient_id, COUNT(*) AS visit_count
FROM `project.dataset.visits`
GROUP BY patient_id;

Using Approximate Algorithms: !!TODO : CHECK

Context: For analytics queries, using approximate algorithms (like APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT) can drastically reduce computation time and resources.

SELECT APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT(patient_id) AS unique_patients
FROM `project.dataset.visits`;


