Java Streams

2 minute read

Java Streams

  • A stream in Java is a sequence of data that takes input from Collections or IO Channels
  • Streams don’t change the original data structure.
  • A Stream Pileline is the operation (STREAM OPERATIONS) that run on a stream to produce a result
  • Each intermediate operation is lazily executed and returns a stream as a result.
  • Terminal operations mark the end of the stream and return the result.
  • Finite Streams have a limit
  • infinite Streams are like sunrise/sunset cycle

re-stream a List each time. Dont Re-use a stream because “creating” a Stream just points at the existing data structure behind the scenes; it does not copy the data.


  • Do not support indexed access
    • finFirst() can give top of the element, but not the second or third or last element
  • Simple syntax to build a List or array from a Stream

Three common ways to make a Stream

  • – From ArrayList
  • Stream.of(arrayOfObjects) [not array of primitives!]
    Student[] students = {....};
    Stream<Student> studentStream = Stream.of(students).map().filter().other();//No Terminal Operator
  • Stream.of(val1, val2, …) – Individual elements
    Student s1 = ;
    Student s2 = ;
    Stream<Student> studentStream = Stream.of(s1,s2, ...).map().filter().other();;//No Terminal Operator

Outputting Streams

Getting a List out of a Stream

    List<SomeClass> list =;

Getting an Array out of a Stream

  //Fill elements into an Array from a Stream
  Student[] studentArray =[]::new);
  String[] strArray = stringStream.filter(...).map(...).toArray(String[]::new);
Student[] studentArray = studentStream.toArray()

What Cannot be done with Streams forEach

  1. Multiple Loops are not possible as for each is a Terminal operation consuming a Stream.
  2. Local variable modification -> total += e);
    • do this with “map” and “reduce”.
    • Or use builtin “sum” method of DoubleStream or Int Stream
  3. Cannot use break or return within forEach loop

It uses a stateful lambda expression.

Stream Operations

  • SOURCE : Where the stream comes from
  • INTERMEDIATE OPERATIONS : Transforms the stream into another stream. STREAMS USE LAZY EVALUATION.
    • map: The map method is used to returns a stream consisting of the results of applying the given function to the elements of this stream.
    • filter: The filter method is used to select elements as per the Predicate passed as argument.
    • sorted: The sorted method is used to sort the stream.
  • The intermediate operations do not run until the terminal operation runs.
  • TERMINAL OPERATION: Actually produces a result. Stream becomes invalid after terminal operation
    • collect: The collect method is used to return the result of the intermediate operations performed on the stream.
    • forEach: The forEach method is used to iterate through every element of the stream.
    • reduce: The reduce method is used to reduce the elements of a stream to a single value. The reduce method takes a BinaryOperator as a parameter.

Non-Terminal Operations

filter() map() flatMap() distinct() limit() peek()

Terminal Operations

anyMatch() allMatch() noneMatch() collect() count() findAny() findFirst() - returns Optional forEach() min() max() reduce() toArray()


