JVM Arguments
- -XX means it’s an advanced option
- a plus or a minus indicates the option to be switched on or off
- and then the option name in
Pass in the PID for the running Java progam along with the flag to know its
current settings. To find the process id for the java program run jps
❯ jps
❯ jinfo -flag NewRatio 46615
❯ jinfo -flag SurvivorRatio 46615
Get all the possible flags/options
java -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal
Check the following flags
- how many threads are available to run the compiling process
- the number of times a method/code needs to run before it is
natively compiled
- provides insight into the compilation process of
methods by the JVM, including information about their optimization levels and
: This option disables tiered compilation, meaning that
only the C2 compiler will be used.
: This option instructs the JVM to use the client compiler (C1) as the
default compiler. Prevent’s C2 compiler to kick in if needed.
: This option instructs the JVM to use the server compiler (C2) as the
default compiler.
: This option specifies that the JVM should run in 64-bit mode, utilizing
the larger address space available on 64-bit architectures.
: If the code cache is full, the warning message is
code cache is full, compiler has been disabled.
is the size of the code cache when the application
The default size varies based on available memory, but it’s often around about
: is the maximum size of the code cache. In
other words, the code cache can grow over time
up to the size of the reserved code cache.
dictates how quickly the code cache should grow as it
gets full. How much extra space should be
added each time the code cache is grown
Diagnostic and Troubleshooting
: Unlocks diagnostic VM options for
: Generates heap dump on OutOfMemoryError.
: Specifies heap dump file path where it needs to be
-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+LogCompilation
: creates a log file like
String Pool Management
: Prints statistics about the String pool.
: Sets the size of the String table at the beginning
of the JVM start
Heap Management
or -Xmx1g
: Sets maximum heap size.
or -Xms4g
: Sets initial heap size.
for stack
Garbage Collections
-Xmx10m -verbose:gc
: Spits out the garbage collection logs on console
: Turned on by default for most JVM’s. It
dynamically adapts the size of the S0 & S1 space during runtime.
: how many times should the old generation be in camparson to
young gen
: how much of the young generation should be taken up by
the survivor spaces S0 and S1.
: how many generations should an object survive
before it becomes part of the old generation
: Single Threaded GC Algo
: Parallel
: Mark Sweep Collector - General Algorithm that GC
: G1 Garbage Collector - default java 10 onwards
: with G1GC : specify the number of concurrent threads
available for the smaller regional collections.
: G1 runs whenever the entire heap gets
to 45% full. Change this from the 45% default by using this flag.
: G1 Garbage Collector - Allows GC to make more
space if it finds duplicate strings in the heap.