Garbage Collections
Garbage collection - concept with Lisp since 1959!!
Garbage collection is the automatic process to free up the memory.
- Java is a “managed Language”. Java works out when objects are no longer needed and marks them for GC.
Any object on the heap which cannot be reached through a reference from * *the stack or from the metaspace** is “Eligible for Garbage Collection”
Stack dies after the call block or the method block is over
Meta space is never garbage collected as it holds Static primitives or the reference to static objects.
The System.gc() method
Suggestion to run the Garbage collection process and not a command
Not a good idea to call and let JVM Decide when it’s right. So, DO NOT use.
The finalize() method
The finalize() method of an object is called by the Garbage Collector before it removes the object from memory (when there are no references to that object).
Deprecated since Java 9. This method runs when the object is eligible for GC
But like GC, you will never know when it is going to run or if it will run as per the intention
Mark & Sweep Algorithm
- The programs execution is first paused. “Stop The World” event for marking
- Pauses all the threads, looks at each thread’s Stack and the variables being referenced (recursively).
- Removed un referenced objects
- Moves the objects (that are being kept) into a single contiguous block of memory, Avoiding fragmentation.
Generational Garbage Collection
Heap is divided into 2 spaces
- young and
- old generation space
New objects are created in young generation
Young generation (much smaller than the old, but can be tuned) has 3 spaces
- Eden
- S0 (Survivor 0 Space)
- S1 (Survivor 1 Space)
Island of isolation
Eden Space –> When an instance is created, stored in Eden Space (Young generation of heap memory area)
Survivor space –> after Minor GC (Obj. live and referenced)
Minor Collection
GC of the Young Generation Space
New objects are created in Young generation space. When its full, the GC runs only in the Young generation space
The idea here is that the majority of the objects don’t survive for long, so the young generation which is full of new objects are probably mostly garbage.
The GC process, then, should be quick in Young generation space.
Any Surviving objects are then moved to the old generation, thus making up space for the new objects in the Young generation
Eden, S0 & S1
S0 and S1 are called the survivor spaces
When an object is created, it’s placed in the eden space
When the Eden space gets full, which happens quickly because it’s small, then the garbage collection process will take place on the Eden space and any surviving objects are moved into S0.
Our application then continues running and new objects continue getting created in the Eden space
The next time that the garbage collection process runs, the marking process looks at everything in the Eden space and in S0 and any objects that survive get moved into S1.
More objects are created and Eden gets full again and the garbage collection process takes all those that survive. But this time it looks at Eden and S1 and it moves any surviving objects into S0.
So S0 and S1 are two parts of the young generation that are used to swap the surviving objects.
Lots of GC which is quick and on a smaller memory footprint because only eden and one of the Survivors are involved.
After a number of these swaps, the object is determined to be a long surviving object and will be moved
So the threshold for the swaps (how many generations an object needs to survive) is configurable.
Major Collection
Runs only when its needed, i.e, when it gets full. It is Heavy process
The Visual GC Plugin of Visual VM
Heap Spaces as shown in the Visual VM for a running process
GC Activity for OOM
Pass in the PID for the running Java progam along with the flag to know its
current settings. To find the process id for the java program run jps
❯ jps
❯ jinfo -flag NewRatio 46615
❯ jinfo -flag SurvivorRatio 46615
Monitoring Garbage Collections
Spits out the garbage collection logs on console
-Xmx10m -verbose:gc
[0.008s][info][gc] Using G1
[0.216s][info][gc] GC(0) Pause Young (Normal) (G1 Evacuation Pause) 25M->17M(516M) 10.468ms
[0.329s][info][gc] GC(1) Pause Young (Normal) (G1 Evacuation Pause) 45M->39M(516M) 12.175ms
[0.263s][info][gc] GC(19) Concurrent Mark Cycle 41.388ms
[0.265s][info][gc] GC(21) Pause Young (Normal) (G1 Evacuation Pause) 9M->9M(10M) 0.353ms
[0.268s][info][gc] GC(22) Pause Full (G1 Compaction Pause) 9M->1M(8M) 3.152ms
[0.222s][info][gc] GC(17) Pause Young (Concurrent Start) (G1 Evacuation Pause) 9M->9M(10M) 0.467ms
[0.222s][info][gc] GC(19) Concurrent Mark Cycle
[0.240s][info][gc] GC(18) Pause Full (G1 Compaction Pause) 9M->9M(10M) 18.397ms
Tuning Garbage Collections
Turned on by default for most JVM’s. It dynamically adapts the size of the S0 &
S1 space during runtime.
Minimize the full GC
New Ratio : resizing the different part of the heap (allow more for young
gen and less for old)
- how many times should the old generation be in camparson to young gen - Find the default value for NewRatio
❯ jinfo -flag NewRatio 46615 -XX:NewRatio=2
Survivor ratio - how much of the young generation should be taken up by
the survivor spaces S0 and S1.
- Virtual machine can anyway resize it dynamically if it thinks some optimization is needed
Max Tenuring Threshold : how many generations should an object survive
before it becomes part of the old generation
- 15 is the max value
Selecting a Minor Garbage Collector Algo
The virtual machine then has three types of collector algo called
- The serial collector uses a single thread to perform all the garbage
collection work.
- Single Threaded
- Single Threaded
- Parallel -
- Mostly Concurrent garbage collector.
- Mark Sweep Collector - General Algorithm that GC uses-
- G1 Garbage Collector - default java 10 onwards
- Tuning G1GC
- specify the number of concurrent threads available for the smaller
regional collections.
- the GC process starts when the heap reaches a certain level of fullness. By default, this is 45%. G1 runs whenever the entire heap gets to 45% full.
- you can change this figure from the 45% default by using this flag.
- Mark Sweep Collector - General Algorithm that GC uses-
String Deduplication - G1 Garbage Collector
it allows the garbage collector to make more space if it finds duplicate strings in the heap.