Structured Concurrency

2 minute read

Java 21 Virtual Threads and Structured Concurrency


When there are multiple independent tasks to be completed, and one of the tasks fail, there should be some mechanism to let others know that it has failed and let others also fail-fast (instead of waiting for the other tasks to finish)

Interrupts and Thread Cancellation

void interrupt()

  • Interrupts a thread by setting its interrupted flag.

static boolean interrupted()

  • Checks and clears the interrupted status of the current thread.

boolean isInterrupted() Effect: Checks the interrupted status of the specified thread without clearing it.

Expected features

Cooperative Interruption: Threads should check their interrupted status periodically to respond appropriately to interruption requests.

Handling Interruption: Proper handling of interruptions improves application responsiveness and thread management.

  • Interrupter must call interrupt() to set the flag (its own)
  • Interrupted thread
    • may choose to ignore the interrupt
    • check interrupted status periodically (polling)
    • wait(), sleep(), join() will check status automatically
      • throws InterruptedException()
      • clears the interrupted status flag
    • Cancel using cancel(true)

Futures - Class build on top of Threads.

Future<TaskResponse> taskFuture = excecutor.submit(callable);

Structured Task

  • StructuredTaskScope
  • Subtask

following examples are based on the list of tasks

var tasks = List.of(new BlockingIOTasks("Price-1", 3, true), 
        new BlockingIOTasks("Price-2", 10,true));


Shuts down when all child threads complete

try(var scope = new StructuredTaskScope<TaskResponse>()){
    // Start running the tasks in parallel
    List<Subtask<TaskResponse>> subtasks = -> scope.fork(task)).toList();
    // Wait for all tasks to complete (success or not)
    scope.join(); -> {
        // Handle Child Task Results (might have succeeded or failed)
        State taskState = subTask.state();
        if (taskState == State.SUCCESS)
        else if (taskState == State.FAILED)


Shuts down when the first child thread succeeds

try(var scope = new StructuredTaskScope.ShutdownOnSuccess<TaskResponse>()) {
    // Start running the tasks in parallel 
    List<Subtask<TaskResponse>> list = -> scope.fork(task)).toList();

    // Wait till first Child Task Succeeds. Send Cancellation to all other Child Tasks
    // Handle Successful Child Task
    TaskResponse result = scope.result();


Shuts down when the first child thread fails

try(var scope = new StructuredTaskScope.ShutdownOnFailure()){
    // Start running the tasks in parallel
    List<Subtask<TaskResponse>> subtasks = -> scope.fork(task)).toList();

    scope.throwIfFailed();// Wait till first Child Task fails. Send cancellation to all other Child Tasks
    // Handle Success Child Task Results


extend StructuredTaskScope and implement the handleComplete() method.

handle parallel tasks using CompletionService

try (var service = Executors.newVirtualThreadPerTaskExecutor()) {
    CompletionService<TaskResponse> completionService = new ExecutorCompletionService<TaskResponse>(service);

    List<Future<TaskResponse>> taskFutures 

    try {
        for(int j = 0; j < taskFutures.size() ; j++) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // request that the threads terminate. Do not wait for the threads to terminate
        for (var taskFuture : taskFutures) {
        throw e;
    // All tasks are successful at this point
    List<TaskResponse> result 
    return result;
} // makes sure that all threads are fully terminated