Can be used to restrict the number of “users” to a particular resource or a group of resources
- Unlike the locks that allow only one “user/thread” per resource.
Initializes a Semaphore with a given number of permits. The number of permits indicates how many threads can access the resource simultaneously.
Semaphore semaphore = new Semaphore(int permits);
Acquire and release a permit
Acquires a permit from the semaphore, blocking until a permit is available.
- Throws InterruptedException if the current thread is interrupted while waiting.
try {
// critical section
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); // restore interrupt status
} finally {//To ensure the release even if there is exception in the critical section
//if (semaphore.tryAcquire()) {//without time
if (semaphore.tryAcquire(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
try {
// critical section
} finally {
} else {
// handle failure to acquire permit
Semaphore vs lock
Lock is a special case of Semaphore which number_of_permits=1
- Semaphore doen’t have notion of owner thread
- Same thread can acquire the semaphore multiple times
- the binary semaphore (initialized with permits = 1) is not reentrant
- if the same thread acquires it and tries to reaquire, its stuck and relies on other thread to release the semaphore
Semaphore can be released by any thread.
- Even can be released by a thread that hasn’t actually acquired it.
- That creates a bug as it allows 2 threads inside critical section which is not possible at all with locks
But Semaphore is great choice for other solutions for the problems such as Producer consumer problem
Feature | Semaphore | Lock |
Purpose | Controls access to a resource by maintaining a set number of permits. | Ensures only one thread can access a resource or critical section at a time. Provides mutual exclusion. |
Basic Operation |
Acquire: Threads acquire permits before accessing the resource. If no permits are available, threads block until a permit becomes available. Release: Threads release permits when done with the resource, allowing other waiting threads to acquire permits. |
Lock: A thread acquires the lock to access the resource. If the lock is held by another thread, the current thread blocks until the lock is released. Unlock: The thread releases the lock, allowing other threads to acquire it. |
Permit Count vs. Binary State | A semaphore with 3 permits allows up to 3 threads to access the resource simultaneously. | A lock allows only one thread to enter a critical section. |
Fairness | Can be used in a fair manner, though fairness is not always guaranteed. | Some locks (e.g., ReentrantLock with fairness parameter set to true) can be configured to be fair, ensuring that threads acquire the lock in the order they requested it. |
Lock as Special Case | A lock is a special case of a semaphore with number_of_permits=1 . |
N/A |
No Owner Notion | Semaphore does not have a notion of an owner thread. | Lock has an owner thread and ensures only the thread that acquired the lock can release it. |
Reentrancy | The same thread can acquire the semaphore multiple times. Binary Semaphore: The binary semaphore (initialized with permits = 1) is not reentrant; if the same thread acquires it and tries to reacquire, it is stuck and relies on other threads to release the semaphore. |
Reentrant locks (e.g., ReentrantLock ) allow the same thread to acquire the lock multiple times. |
Release by Any Thread | Semaphore permits can be released by any thread, even if it did not acquire the permit. This can create bugs as it allows multiple threads to enter a critical section simultaneously. | Locks can only be released by the thread that acquired them, ensuring exclusive access to the critical section. |
Example Use Cases |
Database Connection Pool: Limiting the number of concurrent connections to a database. Thread Pool Management: Limiting the number of concurrent threads executing tasks. |
Critical Section: Ensuring that only one thread can modify a shared data structure or resource at a time. Atomic Operations: Preventing race conditions when performing complex operations on shared resources. |
Producer Consumer Problem
Able to have many producers and many consumers, and allow the consumers to apply back pressure on the producers, if the producers produce faster than the consumers can consume.
final int QUEUE_CAPACITY = 10;
Semaphore emptySemaphore = new Semaphore(QUEUE_CAPACITY);
Semaphore fullSemaphore = new Semaphore(0);
ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock();
Queue<Integer> queue = new ArrayDeque<>();
while (true) {
emptySemaphore.acquire(); // Wait for an empty slot
lock.lock(); // Lock access to the queue
int item = produceItem(); // Produce an item
queue.add(item); // Add item to the queue
lock.unlock(); // Release the lock
fullSemaphore.release(); // Signal that an item is available
while (true) {
fullSemaphore.acquire(); // Wait for an available item
lock.lock(); // Lock access to the queue
int item = queue.remove(); // Remove item from the queue
consumeItem(item); // Process the item
lock.unlock(); // Release the lock
emptySemaphore.release(); // Signal that an empty slot is available