Method Reference

2 minute read

Method reference only works where there is a possibility of passing a Lambda as an argument.

Lambda can be replaced by method reference

The Four Kinds of Method References

1 |**Ref. to a static method** | Pass arguments to call a static method, using the same arguments.
2 |**Ref. to an instance method of a specific object** | Passing a Method Reference to a method on another instance
Produces a lambda that takes exactly as many arguments as the method expects
3 |**Ref. to an instance method of an any object of a specific type** | Passing a method reference that takes parameters.
It takes the first argument from the lambda and uses it to invoke a method, passing the remaining arguments as method parameters 4 |**Ref. to a constructor** | Takes the params of Lambda and passes them to a constructor

# Lambda Example Lambda Method Ref style Method Reference
1 (param) -> Class.staticMethod(param) (x,y) -> Math.hypot(x,y)
x -> System.out.println(x)
(str) -> MyStringUtils.isPalindrome(str)
SomeClass::staticMethod Math::hypot
System.out :: print
MyStringUtils :: isPalindrome
2 (param) -> object.instanceMethod(param) () -> someString.toUpperCase()
(a,b) -> myApp.appendStrings(a,b)
() -> obj.test()
someObject::instanceMethod someString::toUpperCase
obj :: test
3 (object, param) -> object.instanceMethod(param) s -> s.toUpperCase()
(String a, String b) -> a.compareToIgnoreCase(b)
SomeClass::instanceMethod String::toUpperCase
4 (param) -> new ClassName(param) () -> new Employee() SomeClass::new Employee::new

Instance method are methods which can only be invoked through an object of the class. It needs an object if a class to be called.

View Functional Interface & Class

By creating a class and using its method to be passed as a Lambda

Declare the Lambda directly

Display<Integer> displayDeclaredHere = (a, b) -> System.out.println("method reference in java 8 : " + (a + b));

The Lambda can extracted as a private method

Display displayExtractedSameClass = getDisplay();//this::getDisplay works with non-static classes

private static Display getDisplay() {
    return (a, b) -> System.out.println("method reference in java 8 : " + a + b);

Taking the definition into another class, or using another class to define the interface

MethodReferences obj = new MethodReferences();
// Reference to the method using the object of the class myMethod
Display<Integer> displayInstanceMethodParticularObject = ((a,b) -> obj.myMethod(a,b));//putting the definition in object of another class
// Calling the method inside the functional interface Display

calling the same via method reference

Display<Integer> displayReferenceInstanceMethodParticularObject = obj::myMethod;


MethodReferences myApp = new MethodReferences();
// Calling the method with a lambda expression
System.out.println(myApp.playBiFunction("Hello ", "World!", (a, b) -> a.concat(b)));

Reference to an instance method of an arbitrary object of a particular type

System.out.println(myApp.playBiFunction("Hello ","World!", String::concat));

Comparator<EmployeeSimple> salaryComparator = (e1, e2) ->, e2.getSalary());
Comparator<EmployeeSimple> salaryComparatorMethodRef =  EmployeeSimple::salaryDifference;;

public int salaryDifference(final EmployeeSimple other) {
    return this.getSalary().compareTo(other.getSalary());

Reference to an instance method of a particular object

System.out.println(myApp.playBiFunction("Hello ","World!", ((a,b) -> myApp.appendStrings(a,b))));
System.out.println(myApp.playBiFunction("Hello ","World!", myApp::appendStrings));

Reference to a static method

System.out.println(myApp.playBiFunction("Hello ", "World!", MethodReferences::staticAppendStrings));

Calling Static method From Math Library

System.out.println(myApp.playBiFunction(3.0,4.0, (x,y) -> Math.hypot(x,y)));
// Reference to a static method
System.out.println(myApp.playBiFunction(3.0,4.0, Math::hypot));


