
3 minute read

Generics as compile-time type safety

Generics in Java help catch certain type-related errors at compile time rather than at runtime.

This can help in ensuring type safety and reducing the likelihood of ClassCastException or other type-related exceptions during program execution.

Generics do not accept primitive types

Java does the auto boxing and unboxing

Java is not fully object oriented -> due to primitive and Static classes

Generic Class

// A simple generic class
class Box<T> {
    private T item;

Usage example:

// Create a Box for Integer
Box<Integer> integerBox = new Box<>();

// Create a Box for String
Box<String> stringBox = new Box<>();
stringBox.setItem("Hello, Generics!");

Generic Methods

// Example of a generic method that accepts a generic parameter and returns a generic type
public static <T> S genericMethod(T data) {
    // Method logic using the generic parameter
    return data;
  • denotes that this method has a type parameter T, which can represent any reference type (class or interface)
  • S is used as the return type of the method. This suggests that the method returns a value of type S

Wild cards (?)

Understanding upper bounds (<? extends T>) and lower bounds (<? super T>) in Java generics is crucial for writing flexible and reusable code.

Upper Bounded Wildcard

Upper Bounded Wildcard ? extends T

  • Specifies that the type parameter (?) must be a subtype of the specified type T.
  • restrict the types to T or its subclasses.


Lower bounded wildcards (? super T) restrict the types to T or its superclasses.


Signature from Stream<T>

Optional max(Comparator<? super T) comparator)

The max method is going to apply on a stream, and it’s going to return a single value.

**Optional** is a container object that may or may not contain a non-null value. This allows the max method to handle cases where the stream might be empty, returning an empty Optional in such cases.

Comparator<? super T> comparator: This parameterizes the Comparator to accept any supertype of T. This flexibility allows the max method to compare elements of type T or any of its supertypes.

Ensures Flexibility with Inheritance: Since Java allows subtyping, a Comparator<? super T> can accept comparators for T itself or any superclass of T.

  • This is useful when you have a class hierarchy and want to compare elements based on properties defined in supertypes of T.

Restricts Comparator Flexibility: Comparator<? extends T> would restrict ** the comparator to only accept types that extend T. This limits the comparator to handle **only subclasses of T,

  • excluding comparators for T itself or its superclasses, which might be needed in certain scenarios.

Type Erasure

In Java, generics are implemented using type erasure to maintain backward compatibility with older versions of Java that do not support generics.

Compile-Time Enforcement: Generics provide compile-time type safety by allowing you to specify the types of objects that a collection or class can contain.

Erasure at Runtime: During compilation, the compiler removes the generic type information and replaces it with bounds or Object references.

  • This means that generic type parameters are not available at runtime.
public class Box<T> {
    private T value;
  • At compile time, Box<T> is treated as Box due to type erasure.
  • Any T in Box<T> is replaced with Object during compilation.
2. Type Erasure Implications
Box<Integer> integerBox = new Box<>();
integerBox.set(10); // Here, T is Integer

Integer val = integerBox.get(); // Compiler inserts cast to Integer
  • At runtime, Box<Integer> is just Box.
  • The set method accepts Object, and the compiler inserts a cast (Integer) before setting the value.
3. Bounded Wildcards

When dealing with bounded wildcards (<? extends T> or <? super T>):

Reading Elements:

The loop for (Number n : list) iterates over elements of type Number or its subclasses (Integer, Double, etc.).

Since list is guaranteed to contain elements that extend Number, you can safely read these elements and treat them as Number within the loop body.

Adding Elements:

The compiler prevents adding elements to list because it cannot guarantee the type safety due to type erasure.

At runtime, list could be of any type that extends Number, such as List or List. Adding an element like new Integer(10) directly to list would violate type safety because the actual runtime type of list might not accept Integer (it could be List for instance).

 public static void processList(List<? extends Number> list) {
    // Compiler error: Cannot add elements to a list with an extends wildcard
    list.add(new Integer(10)); // This line would cause a compile-time error


