Git Config

3 minute read

Check existing git configs

git config --list

Create multiple Git Config

With single repo and user git config --global "John Doe" && git config --global "" would suffice

--global writes a system-wide config file and --local (the default) that writes to .git/config in the project repo.

git config "John Doe" 
git config --local "John Doe" 

To ensure multiple git or bitbucket repositories work seamlessly with respective userId’s on one machine, configure the global .gitconfig such that it picks up right id for specific repo.

global .gitconfig file is located in home folder ~

  • with commnd
    • Add Config
      git config --file ~/.gitconfig-work "Your Name"
      git config --file ~/.gitconfig-work ""
    • Add the config file
      git config --global includeIf.gitdir:~/ClonedCodeWork/.path .gitconfig-work
      git config --global includeIf.gitdir:~/Programming/.path .gitconfig-learn
  • manually
    • create the files and open in a text editor
        touch ~/.gitconfig-learn | open .gitconfig-learn
        touch ~/.gitconfig-work  | open .gitconfig-work
    • Update the (relevant) information as needed in both the file under [user] tag
            email =
            name = Your Name
    • Or, Manually add the config
      [includeIf "gitdir:~/Documents/ClonedCodeWork/"]
      path = .gitconfig-work
      [includeIf "gitdir:~/Programming/"]
      path = .gitconfig-learn
  • Check
    git config --global --get-regexp includeIf

gitdir takes the folder where multiple projects can reside from same repository (eg: bitbucket enterprise server)

While using git clients (github desktop, source tree etc), ensure that it does not overwrite the git config file

Create global GitIgnore via separate file

  • Create .gitignore_global file in the home directory ~
      touch ~/.gitignore_global
  • add files that needs to be globally ignored
  • Configure Git to Use the Global .gitignore File
      git config --global core.excludesFile '~/.gitignore_global'


Template Directory: When you initialize a new Git repository with git init, Git copies files from the directory specified by init.templatedir into the .git directory of the new repository.

The git config --global init.templatedir command is used to set a global configuration option in Git that specifies a directory template to be used when initializing new repositories.

    ├── hooks/
    ├── info/
    └── attributes/

This allows you to pre-configure new repositories with certain files, including

  • Git hooks,
  • configuration files, etc.

Summary Commands

# Create Template Directory
mkdir -p ~/.git-templates/hooks ~/.git-templates/info ~/.git-templates/attributes

# Add Files to the Template Directory:**
touch ~/.git-templates/hooks/pre-commit #example hook
chmod +x ~/.git-templates/hooks/pre-commit
touch ~/.git-templates/.gitmessage # for message template
touch ~/.git/info/exclude # global gitignore

# Set the Global Configuration:**
git config --global init.templatedir '~/.git-templates'
# Configure Git to use the commit message template by default:
git config --global commit.template '~/.git-templates/.gitmessage'

Configure Git to Use the Global Hooks Directory:

This setting ensures that the hooks from ~/.git-templates/hooks are copied to the .git/hooks directory in every new repository you create.

mkdir -p ~/.git-templates/hooks
#Create a pre commit hook file and set its permissions
touch ~/.git-templates/hooks/pre-commit
chmod +x ~/.git-templates/hooks/pre-commit

git config --global init.templatedir '~/.git-templates'

For Existing Repositories:

Need to manually copy the hooks from the global directory into each repository’s .git/hooks directory.

for repo in $(find /path/to/your/repos -type d -name '.git'); do
  cp ~/.git-templates/hooks/* $repo/hooks/

Create global GitIgnore via templated dir

File names present under .git/info/exclude are ignored

# ~/.git-templates/info/exclude
# Local excludes that are not tracked by git

Default Commit Message Templates

# ~/.git-templates/.gitmessage
# Commit message template
  • Configure Git to use the template by default:
    git config --global commit.template '~/.git-templates/.gitmessage'
  • To check for a local commit template setting
    git config --get commit.template
  • To remove a local commit template setting
    git config --unset commit.template

Creating global alias

  • Creating Alias
    git config --global alias.cob 'checkout -b'
  • Using the alias
    git cb new-branch-name
  • Removing alias
    git config --global --unset
  • Check all Alias
    git config --global --get-regexp alias
    # check individual
    git config --global --get alias.cb

Branch Sorter

  • sort by objectsize, authordate, committerdate, creatordate, or taggerdate with the --sort option
    git branch --sort=-committerdate
  • Set it as a default with the branch.sort config setting
    git config --global branch.sort -committerdate

the -committerdate has a leading - not a double dash.

Column UI

Set the default response in Columns. Try with git branch

git config --global column.ui auto

git column

seq 1 12 | git column --mode=column --padding=10
1           2           3           4           5           6           7           8           9           10          11          12   

 seq 1 12 | git column --mode=column --padding=5
1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      10     11     12            

Safe Force Pushing

git config --global alias.fpush push --force-with-lease

Git Maintenance

[Git Maintenance](/git/git-maintenance/


