Useful git commands
Git Config
Git Hooks
Useful Commands
Most used git commands after cloning a project. Target is to create a new feature branch to be used for development and be used for a pull request.
Create new Feature Branch for development
# First checkout the branch from which a new branch is to be created
git checkout <existing develop branch> # Example : future-develop
git pull # Optional
## Pull the latest changes from parent branch into child
# must be in the child branch. Resolve any conflicts
git merge parent
#Create your branch (2 in 1 command)
git checkout -b feature/<branch-name>
# Make your changes and commit the files
git commit -m <file names>
# Add the branch remotely
git push -u origin <branch> # (-u short for --set-upstream option)
Switch commits
uncommited changes
Take uncommitted changes from one branch to another
# With Git 2.23
git switch -c <new-branch>
# The same could be achieved prior to Git 2.23 by
git checkout -b <new-branch>
committed changes
If, by accident, a commit is made in one feature branch, but it was supposed t be in some other branch
# Find the commit hash
git cherry-pick 0359ca8b
Remove Accidental Pushes from Remote
git rm <filename or folder> # removes the file from the repo but also deletes it from the local file system.
# To remove the file from the remote repo and not delete it from the local file system use:
git rm --cached <filename or folder>
# remove from local as well as remote
git rm -r --cached <filename or folder>
# Then commit the changes
Creating fresh Repository
Creating a fresh Project Local
Create a repo on Github and copy the repo name.
- Create an IntelliJ/ Eclipse Project as a new project and goto that path using command prompt
Execute the following in Command prompt
# Initialize a repository
git init
# Create .gitignore and put data
vim .gitignore
# ************** Add some data and files *********************
#Add the files you have worked upon
git add . #(it will take care of ignore files)
#Commit the changes
git commit -m "my_message"
#Add the remote Repo git (ONLY FIRST TIME)
git remote add <branch name (any)> <http git repo address>
git remote add origin <http git repo address> OR
git remote add github <http git repo address> # instead of origin, github is the remote branch
#Add the remote Repo git
git push -u origin master (master is our local repo, branch name)
Delete a remote branch using
git push origin --delete <branchName>
git push origin :old_branch
Delete branch from remote repository
git push origin --delete [branchname]
Delete branch from local repository
git branch -d [branchname]
Rename a branch
# rename a branch while pointed to any branch:
git branch -m <oldname> <newname>
# If you want to rename the current branch, you can simply do:
git branch -m <newname>
Push local branch to repo.
git push --set-upstream origin <Branch name>
View and Clear Stash
Acts as local clipboard to git
# Clear all the stash in one go
git stash clear
# Find all the stash with index Id
git stash list
# Take the index from the stash list
git stash drop stash@{index}
Stash from one branch and bring it on another
If changes are made accidentally on a branch where its not needed, then stash the changes and then bring back into the other branch
allows to stash all changes that were not added to staging area.
It safer to run git stash apply
as it does not remove stashed changes instead
of git stash pop
. Conflicts might also occur.
Git Maintenance