Ultrasonic Sensor
Ultrasonic sensor (HC-SR04): VCC -> 5V (Arduino) GND -> GND (Arduino) Trig -> Pin 9 (Arduino) Echo -> Pin 10 (Arduino)
Measure Distance with an Ultrasonic Sensor
#define TRIG_PIN 9 // Pin connected to the Trig pin of the ultrasonic sensor
#define ECHO_PIN 10 // Pin connected to the Echo pin of the ultrasonic sensor
void setup() {
// Start serial communication
// Set the Trig and Echo pins as OUTPUT and INPUT
void loop() {
// Clear the Trig pin (set to LOW)
digitalWrite(TRIG_PIN, LOW);
delayMicroseconds(2); // Wait for 2 microseconds to ensure a clean LOW signal
// Send a 10-microsecond pulse to trigger the ultrasonic burst
digitalWrite(TRIG_PIN, HIGH);
digitalWrite(TRIG_PIN, LOW);
// Measure the time it takes for the echo to return
long duration = pulseIn(ECHO_PIN, HIGH); // Pulse duration in microseconds
// Calculate the distance based on the speed of sound (343 m/s or 0.034 cm/µs)
// Distance = (Time * Speed of sound) / 2
// We divide by 2 because the pulse travels to the object and back (round-trip)
long distance = (duration * 0.034) / 2; // Distance in centimeters
// Print the distance to the Serial Monitor
Serial.print("Distance: ");
Serial.println(" cm");
// Wait a short time before taking the next reading