Git Ops

2 minute read

Scenario: After the docker image is created (via build pipeline), a deploy pipeline that deploys the image into GCP Kubernetes.

How does a Terraform script, the Helm Charts come into play in this scenario

stage('Deploy to Kubernetes') {
            steps {
                script {
                    // Deploy using Helm
                    sh 'helm upgrade --install my-application ./charts/my-application --values ./charts/my-application/values.yaml'


Role: Infrastructure Provisioning

Infrastructure as Code: Terraform is used to define and manage your cloud infrastructure as code.

  • This includes provisioning and managing resources like Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) clusters,
    • networking components, storage, and other GCP resources.

Setup GKE Cluster: Terraform can create and configure the GKE cluster where your Spring Boot microservice will be deployed.

Manage Dependencies: Terraform can also handle dependencies between different infrastructure components, ensuring that resources are created in the correct order and with the proper configurations.

Example Use Cases:

Create/Update GKE Clusters: Define the cluster size, node pools, and other settings.

Network Configuration: Set up VPCs, subnets, and firewall rules.

IAM Roles: Manage IAM roles and permissions needed for accessing and managing GCP resources.

Uses Hashicorp Programming language

provider "google" {
  credentials = file("<path-to-credentials>.json")
  project     = "<your-project-id>"
  region      = "us-central1"

resource "google_container_cluster" "primary" {
  name     = "my-cluster"
  location = "us-central1-a"
  initial_node_count = 3
  node_config {
    machine_type = "e2-medium"

Helm Charts

Role: Application Deployment

Package Management: Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes applications. Helm Charts are used to define, install, and upgrade Kubernetes applications.

Configuration Management: Helm Charts can package your Spring Boot microservice, including its Kubernetes deployment manifests, service definitions, and any other necessary Kubernetes resources.

Version Control: Helm Charts support versioning, making it easier to manage and roll out updates to your microservices.

Example Use Cases:

Deploy Microservices: Use Helm Charts to deploy your Spring Boot microservice to the GKE cluster.

Manage Configurations: Define and manage environment-specific configurations such as database URLs, API keys, and other parameters.

Upgrade and Rollback: Helm allows you to easily upgrade or roll back deployments if needed.

Helm Chart Example: The Helm Chart typically includes:

Chart.yaml: Metadata about the chart.

values.yaml: Default values for the chart configuration.

templates/: Kubernetes manifests for deployment, services, ingress, etc. values.yaml

├── charts
│   └── my-application
│       ├── Chart.yaml
│       ├── requirements.yaml
│       ├── templates
│       │   ├── config.yaml
│       │   └── workload.yaml
│       └── values.yaml
├── Dockerfile
├── Jenkinsfile

Workflow Integration

Terraform: First, use Terraform to set up the GKE cluster and any other necessary GCP resources. Helm: Next, use Helm Charts to deploy and manage your Spring Boot microservice on the GKE cluster.