Sublime Settings

1 minute read

Make sublime default editor on mac

  • Assuming sublime version 4
  • no restart needed
brew install duti

duti -s com.sublimetext.4 public.plain-text all 
duti -s com.sublimetext.4 all

duti -s com.sublimetext.4 public.unix-executable all # set executable scripts to open with subl

Sublime Editor Settings

Working from home, with the desk set up right next to an large window, the dark theme feels a little too dark. To change the color themes Goto :

Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Color Scheme -> and pick between available Completions

To install an external theme,

Open Command Pallete Tools -> Command Pallete or cmd+Shift+P and Execute

Install Package Control

Open Command Pallete again, after the Package Control installation and search the theme of choice e.g. ayu and once the theme is installed, activate the theme by :

ayu: Activate theme

With the theme installed,

Set Theme, Color Scheme Font size etc. from

Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Color Scheme
Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Theme

Theme: ayu-light.sublime-theme Color Scheme : ayu-mirage.sublime-theme

Sublime plugins

Add package control and then using the installation of package control, continue installing the rest of the softwares,

Add [Package Control](https:\/\/\/installation)