Linked List
Three types of Linked List
- Singly Linked List
- Doubly Linked list
- Circular Linked List
Java Implementation of LinkedList
import java.util.LinkedList;
// Creating a LinkedList
LinkedList<String> linkedList = new LinkedList<>();
// Adding elements to the LinkedList
// Adding elements at specific positions
linkedList.add(2, "Grape");//Index 2
linkedList.addFirst("Apricot");// Start of tje LinkedList
linkedList.addLast("Fig");// End of the linked List
// Getting elements by index
String secondElement = linkedList.get(1);
// Removing elements
Singly Linked List
- Head is the starting point
- Can traverse only in one direction
- copy head into a runner and work with the runner. Never modify head
class Node<V> {
public V dataObject;
Node next;
Doubly Linked List
- Head is the starting point
- Can traverse only in either direction
- copy head into a runner and work with the runner. Never modify head
class Node<V> {
Node previous
public V dataObject;
Node next;
Array vs Linked List
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){
for (ListNode runner = head; runner != null; runner ={
Singly LinkedList Challenges
Reaching the second last element and staying there
// Reaching the second last element and staying there
while( != null){
runner =;
Traversal accross all elements
Node runner = head;//head
while (runner != null){
// Obtain the dataObject and perform operation on it
runner =;
Add at the front of the List
head = new Node(value, head);