Graph DFS & BFS Traversal
Create Graph from List of Edges List
if edges array edges = [[0,1],[1,2],[2,0]]
is given, first create a graph before applying DFS or BFS
If graph consists of integer nodes beginning 0 or 1, simply use an array and take advantage of the indices of the list
Visited Array
Can use a set of type node HashSet<Node>
for both 1D and 2D arrays
- A
HashSet<Node> visited
can be used used to keep track of visited node- use
for 2D grids - use
- use
Can simply use boolean array
// For 1D Array
boolean visited[] = new boolean[V];//Initialized with False
for(Integer i : adj.get(currentVertex)){
//If neighbor is not visited, add in the Queue or recurse for DFS and make it visited
visited[i] = true;
//For grid
int[][] visit = new int[ROWS][COLS];
If you are allowed to change the grid, the simple change the value to a negative scenario
Navigating along the grid
I find it a bit complicated
Use the direction array with ints
Depth First Search (DFS)
- Traverse all paths between any two vertices in a “graph”.
- Traversing all Vertices
- Traversing all paths between two vertices
Grid DFS
Tests With Stack (Prefer DFS Recursion instead)
In place of the Stack if a queue is used, then the same algo becomes BFS
Recursive backtracking - DFS
Base case for recursion
//Base cases
if(//Covering the 4 corners
r < 0 || c < 0 //Math.min(r,c) < 0 //Left & Upper bound
|| r == grid.length //right bound
|| c == grid[0].length //lower bound
// Blockers as per the problem
|| grid[r][c] == 1 //Blocked
//Visited check
|| visited.contains(r+""+c) //Already Visited
return ...;//Depends if count is needed or a void is returned
Terminating conditions, if there is one fixed condition.
//Terminating condition, when the rightmost Bottom corner is reached
if(r == grid.length-1 && c == grid[0].length-1){
return 1;
If all possibilities are to be searched
int count = 0;
HashSet<String> visited = new HashSet<>();
for(int i = 0; i < grid.length; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < grid[0].length; j++){
if(grid[i][j] == '1' && !visited.contains(i+""+j)){
The directions array comes handy with BFS as there are no recursive calls
private static final int[][] directions = {
{1, 0}, //Next Row → , r-1, Keeping Column constant
{-1, 0}, //Previous Row ←, r+1
{0, 1}, //Column above ↑, c+1, Keeping Row constant
{0, -1}}; //Column above ↓, c-1
//while performing dfs
for (int[] dir : directions) {
dfs(grid, r + dir[0], c + dir[1]);
Using Recursion
Pass the updated visited
array so that the other calls have the updated set
//Recursive Backtracking
Time Complexity: $ O(V+E) $
- 𝑉 represents the number of vertices, and
- 𝐸 represents the number of edges.
- We need to check every vertex and traverse through every edge in the graph.
Space Complexity: $ 𝑂(𝑉^2) $
- created stack or the recursive call stack can store up to V⋅V vertices
- worst case - each vertex has edges connecting to all other vertices.
Breadth First Search - BFS
Finding the shortest path between two vertices in a graph where all edges have equal and positive weights.
- Visits each node once
- Running time complexity O(V+E)
- Space complexity is not good, due to an extra Queue, which is why DFS is preferred
- Dijkstra’s Algo does a BFS if all the edge weight is equal to 1.
- In AI(Machine Learning) Robots can discover surroundings more easily from BFS than DFS
- Important in Maximum Flow - Edmonds-Karp Algorithm